If you've stumbled across this, it is probably because I gave you the address or listed it in some inanity I wrote in The State or some other blogger's site. Remember, you came here of your own free will.
I plan to use this as a place to comment on the events in my personal life, the happenings in the state of South Carolina and our great nation. Because I am still a commissioned officer serving in the Army and I may make a statement that might appear political in nature, I will use the nom de plume of "The Colonel" and the face of Harland Sanders who was not a colonel, but he did cook some good chicken.
Because I'm vain enough to think someone may care, I'll occasionally write about me. I'm almost 50 and have had a semi-interesting life. For the last 27 years, I've served in the Army of our great nation. I've seen a site or two at your expense.
I'll write about South Carolina because I was born there and with luck, will die there. As backwards as South Carolinians can be, it is still the best place on earth.
I'll also write about the United States, and that is fraught with danger for me. As a commissioned officer, I am not allowed to speak ill of the chain of command, that said, I've spent the last 27 years defending the Constitution and I feel both entitled and required to speak when things don't go as I think they should.